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icon_widget_image Monday - Friday: 08.00 am to 05.00 pm icon_widget_image Im Neuneck 11, 78609 Tuningen icon_widget_image +49 (0)7464 9879030 icon_widget_image info@hawema-haller.de
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Industrial sectors




Matching general problem solutions with specific requirements, that is the HAWEMA way.

HAWEMA’s tool grinding machines are used for the production and regrinding of tools. From end mills to step drills and PCD tools, HAWEMA has the machine to meet all your application requirements.
We guarantee quality and performance.

Aeronautics & Space Technology

Precision and quality are of utmost importance is this branch of industry. Especially in complex production processes for ambitious components, HAWEMAT grinding machines are an important guarantor for reliability and long service life.


Automotive industry

With increasingly complex components, production depends on machine tools that ensure economical machining. With our machines, we bring in the corresponding know-how of many years and help to optimize existing systems.


Electrical engineering

Electrical engineering is everywhere: from smart phones to luxury cars. The many years of know-how and the constant further development of the tools – adapted to the rapidly developing and demanding electronics industry – leads to high-precision tools with long service lives during machining.


Mechanical engineering / Tools

In general mechanical engineering, demands for efficient production solutions are growing. With our innovative and cost-optimized machines, we secure decisive competitive advantages for our customers.

Precision tools – their production depends on accuracy, speed and safety. We have the desired machine solution for every application.


Medical Technology

A self-evident prerequisite for us in the production of surgical instruments is high machining quality. We develop the necessary mechanical engineering technology for the high-precision machining of these parts.
